Governance is run by a community of stakeholders incentivized to participate in the organization’s operations by a shared goal, and use NUT as governance token by an additional cryptoeconomic mechanism.
Governance Process
Below is the governance process for the Nucleon DAO.
Step 1: Forum (Reddit -
All ideas and proposals are originally published on reddit for community feedback.
Improvements and objections are noted and incorporated.
Timeframe: At least 7 days
Step 2: Pre-Poll (Reddit)
The Proposal will incorporate feedback from Step 1 and put it to a preliminary vote on Reddit.
The Nucleon Team can directly introduce a proposal for a preliminary vote.
Timeframe: At least 7 days
Step 3: Voting (
Voting power is proportional to veNUT.
Timeline: At least 7 days, and voting doesn’t end on weekends
For Support: A proposal must receive more than 50% of YES votes to pass. This also applies to multiple choice options in a proposal.
Quorum: At first there is no requirement.
Step 4: Enactment
Nucleon team manually implements proposals that have received support. No automation.
Last updated